It is when you’re traveling on a bus that you really feel the marked difference between the people seating with you and the one outside the bus. Two different worlds separated by just a single door of an old bluebird bus.

People as well as animals can convey all kind of emotions depending in which situations you happen to find them. Loneliness, solitude and independence are often grouped together in the animal world.

They were laughing, smiling and yet keeping a level of focus outside this world. On top of making sure each and every last customer would be satisfied, they’d make sure the other half would not get hurt during the job.

Still a lot to discover, plenty to see, so much to experience. There isn’t a better way to view things as they are but going back to ground zero. Starting off once again.

Hiking in nature is not just relaxing but also rewarding. The amazing feeling of reaching your goal and overlooking the results you know nobody will ever take away from you.

During New Year’s Eve, the bustling old capital Antigua undoubtedly becomes the heart of the celebrations. Street performers swarm here from all over the country to take part in one of the most interesting shows of the country.

It’s often hard as a third eye be completely objective in what you’re shooting. Certain traditions can be seen as gruesome, incredible or terrible alike but a photographer is there to capture not to judge.

The country of Guatemala is also known to have lots of gorgeous and active volcanoes. Some can be still climbed nowadays for some spectaculars views.

And like all of the trips in this part of the world, they start on a bus and end on a bus. The one way to see what’s really going on in a country.